Nancy Pelosi endures typical extra scrutiny on way to potential historic Speakership...
An article in The New York Times today analyzes the spin that GOPers are putting on the fight to not lose 15 seats in the House by making it a campaign to keep Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) from becoming Speaker of the 110th Congress...and btw, the first woman Speaker in U.S. history.
But in addition to demonizing her as a "prehistoric Democrat" per RNC Chair Ken Mehlman or dramatizing her liberal roots as "Nancy Pelosi's Contract with San Francisco" per Florida Congressman Ric Keller, Pelosi critics are also busy speculating as to whether she's had a face-lift (as if needs to look ugly and worn) and stereotypical concern about her hair-style. There's even bi-partisan criticism of her public-speaking style, as if current Speaker Dennis Hastert was the re-incarnation of Cicero.
Why do women have to be perfect, while men get ahead even if they are schlemiels?
Fortunately, the Times article does point out that 10-term Congresswoman -- who would like people to know that she is an Italian-American Catholic grandmother -- is an extremely talented political leader who has the best record of keeping the diverse Democratic caucus united in their voting since 1956. That's the crux of the matter and that's how Pelosi became first Democratic Whip and then Minority Leader in 2002 beating out a Maryland Congressman from the state where she was born.
If the Democrats manage to take back the House, Nancy Pelosi will deserve to be Speaker because of her role in all of that and also because she is qualified for the job. And won't that be something!