Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Dean and Party Leaders in Money Dispute" -- where should the money go?

So sayeth a short story in today's New York Times, and it's no surprise that the Rahm-Shumer juggernaut does not agree with Howard Dean's plans to strenthen the Dem Party in all 50 states. They want money, more money, all the money to be at their disposal for the current Congressional cycle. Those two heads of the DCCC and the DSCC are pumping money into selected races -- which sounds like a plan, but those plans may or may not be the answer. The track records of those committees are not so good, and the fields are littered with candidates who never got a dime in the past for their efforts to represent Democrats -- and there are candidates out there now feeling the same pain!

Rep. Emmanuel Rahm and Senator Charles Shumer will be hailed as heroes if the Democrats take back the House or Senate, but still questions must be asked about their de-selection processes (also used by the party's sidekick, Emily's List) and cutthroat Red-to-Blue methodologies...But more to the point of today's article and the "heated meeting last week" is the question of investing in party-building, just like the question of investing in the accelerated election of more women to Congress. No time is a good time, but the bullet must be bitten re both long-term tasks. It's not enough to drop everything for any particular cycle or presidential candidate, because everytime the Dems do that they end up with nothing to show for the money or effort. Howard Dean is right to be building from the ground up -- investing in something potentially a lot more profitable than fly-by-nite retail politics that always benefit a few but not our democracy as a whole.

Time to put an end to playing only in some states and playing only with some candidates. Bravo, Howard -- now let's see if you can come up with a plan for equal representation and 5050X2020!


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