Monday, April 03, 2006

now we're talking!!

an article by caitlin johnson, "shifting balance: where are the women?" drew these words from white house project guru marie wilson: "Wilson said she would like to see the United States develop a quota system similar to the one in South Africa, in which 30 percent of parliament seats must go to women. Even the new governments in Iraq and Afghanistan have quotas that put a higher ratio of women in government than currently serve in the United States," Wilson said. "When you have a quota system, then you start to hold people's feet to the fire," she said. "Here all we can do is hope for political will -- to become the democracy that we are asking other countries to be."

it's not often that women leaders come out and say what so many others are thinking -- one of those things that has been holding us back. what on earth do we have to lose? women do too much work and give too much money to politicians to just continue to sit back waiting for godot. we need to ask for what is fair, or else reconsider our blind political loyalties. i would like to see both major political parties voluntarily change their rules -- at least until 2020 -- to facilitate more women to running and winning open seats, for example. do we really need a constitutional amendment?

but if the good 'ol boyz can't manage to do what's right, we may. how about a constitutional amendment requiring one female and one male u.s. senator from each state? that would not only level the playing field in the upper house according to gender population figures, but make sure that no states will ever again lack representation for women. currently, 19 states have no women in either house of congress!

(didn't they use to call that "taxation without representation?")


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