(Courtesy of
To be honest, I was really proud when
today's Iowa poll showed Mitt Romney 23%, Michelle Bachmann 22%, and Tim Pawlenty 6% -- a woman beating the boys at their own game, wow! How many women anywhere on the political spectrum could pull off something like that these days? Give me names.
Congresswoman Bachmann held her own against Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation this morning, even answering questions about God and her view on homosexuality. She BELIEVES that marriage is between a man and a woman, but "I am running for president of the United States, I am not running to be anyone's judge." Can't say I buy that pitch, but that's not the point. Bachmann was dignified, knowledgeable and on message - what a concept!
By all accounts, Michelle Bachmann really BELIEVES in what she says/stands for - and you have to give her that, because it's what resonates with the people who support her. You may not be one of them, but I wonder what you really BELIEVE in.
The second-class status of women in the United States Congress -- 16.6 % of seats, 235 years after independence from the British Empire -- is an unmitigated disgrace. The U.S. is tied with Turkmenistan in 69th place for electing women, 87th on the list if you count all the ties. This is something that may concern you, but do you actually BELIEVE in Equal Representation?
Making progress will take serious commitment, a willingness to stand up to the status quo and be more tolerant of women you might not agree with in order to achieve critical mass and change the legislative dynamic in Washington. You don't have to vote for women you don't agree with (in case you actually live in their districts), just don't go after them with shotguns and money that could be used to elect women you do agree with...
A real paradigm shift -- out of the headlock our 2 main political parties have us in -- is needed if we are ever to achieve even the 30% participation benchmark used worldwide. Enough talk and talking points!
If you really BELIEVE in Equal Representation, you must do something about it.
(More information/documentation on all of this can be found in
"The Truth About the Political Status of U.S. Women: What are we going to do about it".)