JUST SAY NO to the dccc and emily's list!
yesterday's endorsement by emily's list of tammy duckworth in the il06 OPEN SEAT race wasn't exactly a shock -- but still sent a chilling message to any woman (or man) running for congress or thinking about it: the democratic party is the self-appointed arbiter of who will run, and will do anything it can to hijack races and derail candidates not of its choice.
this time the dccc used a woman (a vet, who doesn't live in the district) against a woman (who helped drive out henry hyde, the congressman pro-choice women love to hate), and has been openly supporting her over christine cegelis in a primary -- and now the cherry on top is endorsement from a party appendage that is part and parcel of the the scheme to elect democrats no matter what or who.
in 2004, christine cegelis got the most votes in hyde's district than any other democrat in 30 years. at the same time she helped organize the cd for her party -- the same party that tells candidates running as democrats to accept their roles as "agents of change" even if it means spending their own money when they don't get party support. the party has it's spending priorities, and a track record to prove it.
cegelis has spent a lot of time -- too much time, in my humble opinion -- trying to get the support of both the dccc and emily's list. but she was NOT their candidate, and therefore expendable now that the seat is within grasp of democrats. shame on them, and on anyone who falls for the party line claiming duckworth can win and cegelis can not. of course she can, which is why she has received her rightful share of endorsements from a cross-section of supporters!
it's time for us to JUST SAY NO to those powers-that-be that toy with candidates, especially women -- and to open our wallets for chris cegelis to get her through the 3/21 primary. please visit her website and give generously
let's be clear: when you give $$$ to christine cegelis, you know that it's going to elect a woman to an OPEN SEAT. when you give $$$ to emily's list, you cannot be sure how it's going to be used -- to elect women or to shore up the democratic party and help elect men, which are NOT the same. if this is a not a big problem for those of you fighting for equal representation, it certainly should be!
(more on this another time, now please get out those visa cards and go to cegelisforcongress.com -- thank you!)