il06 symbolizes everything wrong with dccc and women candidates!
it bears repeating right up until the 3/21 primqry, that the ("we can't take sides in primaries") dccc is backing tammy duckworth -- an iraqi vet who does not live in the district they helped launch just weeks ago -- and using its muscle to torpedo christine cegelis, who has been hard at work organizing the district dems for a long time. the chicago sun-times ran a very revealing column on this painfully pathetic situation a few days ago.
yesterday that paper followed up with: "When the invitation went out, Tuesday's fund-raiser for Democratic House candidate Tammy Duckworth was to be held in the office of a Washington lobbying firm. On Monday, the location was switched -- after I mentioned where it was going to be in a column that ran that morning. Sunlight, the saying goes, is a strong disinfectant." (lynn sweet, 1-25-06)
when are we going to take back congress from special interests, including political parties who use women rather than actually working for equal representation?