Elizabeth Warren run shines light on disgraceful MA history of electing women!
(Courtesy of equalrepresentation.org) Subscribe in a reader
Elizabeth Warren's announcement to run for U.S. Senator from MA was big big political news yesterday. I try not to watch either MSNBC or Fox News more than necessary, but did catch Rachel Maddow putting the news in the proper political perspective; she reported that MA has sent 465 people to Congress over the years and only 4 have been women! Indeed, when Nikki Tsongas (D) was elected to Congress a few years ago, she was the first woman elected from MA in 25 years. At that point, all 10 seats had been held by Democrat men. So much for the Democratic Party's support for equality for women...If women want to support Warren, they should give directly to that campaign before dropping dollars into unreliable and fickle Dem Party coffers.
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